LEGO Brickmaster Castle
LEGO Brickmaster Castle
아이가해골이나 유령에관심이많아보자마자 갖고싶다해서 바로샀네요피규어는 해골하나만 계속가지고다녀요 다른거하나는안이쁘다고 해골말이랑그것만들고자고해요 반값할인으로 저렴하게사서좋네요아직아아가어려서혼자조립하지는못해요 책을보면서 이렇게만들어서놀고싶다 한장씩넘기면서ㅇ혼자이야기하며잘놀아요일단레고설명서와달리 한순서에어떤블럭몇개가들어간다는상세설명이없어서 그림을보고그대로찾아해야해서그건좀불편하네요
Building bricks and books come together in this fantastic set. With more than 140 LEGO ® bricks and two minifigures, LEGO ® aficionados can build to their heart s content. The hardcover book features easy-to-follow, step-by-step instructions on how to build castle or pirate models. Or, young builders can come up with their own fantasy castles or pirate lairs for the ages! Dynamic full-color photos and clear illustrations make this the perfect book-and-toy set for all LEGO ® fans. There s no end to the creative building options for young LEGO ® Brickmasters ™ everywhere!
LEGO and the LEGO logo are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ® 2009 the LEGO Group. Produced by Dorling Kindersley under license from the LEGO Group.